Retail Analytics made simple by Titan Channel Partners.
Titan Channel Partners a worldwide consulting firm specializing in information technology now offers a retail analytic solution.
Our retail analytic solution provides an anonymous observation of age, gender and mood.
This anonymous data can be captured instantly then downloaded and compared with other stored data. Capturing real time retail analytics provides the retailer an advantage over the competition.
Knowing how long a customer spends in an aisle, what bag of chips they pick up from the shelf, were they attracted to a competitor’s product over yours ? Was their experience the same at one location versus another?
In other markets the system can compile mood analytics showing customers length of stay and their initial observation and reception, such as corporate functions and property launches.
The software originally developed for the defense industry utilizes a unique facial recognition process. The data then can be exported analyzed and tuned to maximize the clients marketing efforts.
Gone are the days of ceilings and walls littered with camera domes. Many of our systems only require one camera input.
Titan Channel Partners has partnered with One Button Inc. of Lake Forest, California for installation, hardware customization and on-site integration.
One Button will provide the custom retail analytic deployment solution for each retailer. Integrating cameras discreetly in LED panels, capturing anonymous customer feedback, and providing a smart digital signage assembles the perfect storm of targeted marketing solutions.
Coupling the captured data with One Button’s strategy, the system can instantly change its presented content. For example, a predominately male audience may have one defined set of ads while a female audience another. This coupled with age and mood observations allow for a new dawn of highly effective ad targeting like no other.
For additional information e-mail: [email protected], call +1 949 542 6128, or post and leave a message below.